Dr. O.P.Verma Ph 9460816360
1- Botanical name of Flaxseed is Linum usitatissimum, means useful seed. Gandhi wrote in one of his books: “Wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health.”
2- Flaxseed is richest source of Omega-3 Fatty acid Alfa-Linolenic acid ALA on earth. Flaxseed contains 30-40% oil (including 36-50% alpha linolenic acid, 23-24% linoleic acid- Omega-6 fatty acids and oleic acids), mucilage (6%), protein (25%), Vitamin B group, lecithin, selenium, calcium, folate, magnesium, zinc, iron, carotene, sulfur, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, silicon, copper, nickel, molybdenum, chromium and cobalt.
3- Flaxseed is also richest source of anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-carcinogenic Lignans on earth, several hundred times more than any other source. According to the US Department of Agriculture, flaxseed contains 27 identifiable cancer preventative compounds. Flaxseed prevents and cures Prostate, Breast, Cervical, Colon and skin cancers.
4- Dr. Trehan famous Cardiac Surgeon of Escort Hospital, Delhi suggests all his Heart patients to include Flaxseed in their diet.
5- Omega-3 fatty acid is Hero while Omega-6 fatty acid is Villain in our diet. Our bodies function best when our diets contain a well-balanced ratio of these Super star fatty acids, meaning 1:1 ratio of omega-6 and omega-3. But we typically eat 10 to 30 times more omega-6’s than omega-3’s, which is a prescription for trouble. Omega-6 is abundant in vegetable oils such as corn, soybean, safflower, and sunflower oils as well as in the many processed foods made from these oils. Omega-6 fatty acids have stimulating, irritating and inflammatory effect while omega-3 fatty acids have calming and soothing effect on our body. This imbalance puts us at greater risk for a number of serious illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and arthritis. As the most abundant plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed helps restore balance and lets omega-3’s do what they’re best at: balancing the immune system, decreasing inflammation, and lowering some of the risk factors for heart disease.
6- Flax seed helps to lower high blood pressure, clears clogged coronaries, lowers high blood cholesterol, bad LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels and raises good HDL cholesterol। Flaxseeds prevent clot formation in arteries, which may result in strokes, heart attacks and thrombosis. It can relieve the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus. It lowers blood sugar level. Better regulation of blood sugar levels. Omega-3 Fatty acids present in Flaxseed appear to enhance the mechanical performance and electrical stability of the heart and to protect against fatal arrhythmias.
1- Botanical name of Flaxseed is Linum usitatissimum, means useful seed. Gandhi wrote in one of his books: “Wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health.”
2- Flaxseed is richest source of Omega-3 Fatty acid Alfa-Linolenic acid ALA on earth. Flaxseed contains 30-40% oil (including 36-50% alpha linolenic acid, 23-24% linoleic acid- Omega-6 fatty acids and oleic acids), mucilage (6%), protein (25%), Vitamin B group, lecithin, selenium, calcium, folate, magnesium, zinc, iron, carotene, sulfur, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, silicon, copper, nickel, molybdenum, chromium and cobalt.
3- Flaxseed is also richest source of anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-carcinogenic Lignans on earth, several hundred times more than any other source. According to the US Department of Agriculture, flaxseed contains 27 identifiable cancer preventative compounds. Flaxseed prevents and cures Prostate, Breast, Cervical, Colon and skin cancers.
4- Dr. Trehan famous Cardiac Surgeon of Escort Hospital, Delhi suggests all his Heart patients to include Flaxseed in their diet.
5- Omega-3 fatty acid is Hero while Omega-6 fatty acid is Villain in our diet. Our bodies function best when our diets contain a well-balanced ratio of these Super star fatty acids, meaning 1:1 ratio of omega-6 and omega-3. But we typically eat 10 to 30 times more omega-6’s than omega-3’s, which is a prescription for trouble. Omega-6 is abundant in vegetable oils such as corn, soybean, safflower, and sunflower oils as well as in the many processed foods made from these oils. Omega-6 fatty acids have stimulating, irritating and inflammatory effect while omega-3 fatty acids have calming and soothing effect on our body. This imbalance puts us at greater risk for a number of serious illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and arthritis. As the most abundant plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed helps restore balance and lets omega-3’s do what they’re best at: balancing the immune system, decreasing inflammation, and lowering some of the risk factors for heart disease.
6- Flax seed helps to lower high blood pressure, clears clogged coronaries, lowers high blood cholesterol, bad LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels and raises good HDL cholesterol। Flaxseeds prevent clot formation in arteries, which may result in strokes, heart attacks and thrombosis. It can relieve the symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus. It lowers blood sugar level. Better regulation of blood sugar levels. Omega-3 Fatty acids present in Flaxseed appear to enhance the mechanical performance and electrical stability of the heart and to protect against fatal arrhythmias.
7- Flaxseed is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, which together work to lower cholesterol, aid digestion, and prevent constipation, which has a protective effect against cancer. The researcher concluded that flaxseed relieved constipation more effectively than psyllium.
8- Flaxseed has received an overwhelming response from the athletic and bodybuilding community. An article entitled "Best of the Best", published in the bodybuilding and health enthusiast magazine Muscle Media 2000, claims flaxseed as "the hottest idea in bodybuilding" and "a surprising new category of bodybuilding supplement." Mr. Dan Duchene in his column "Ask the Guru", also writing for Muscle Media 2000, and ranked flaxseed as the number one bodybuilding supplement compared to all other available products.
9- Dr. Johanna Budwig, top European cancer research scientist proposed Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese diet for prevention and treatment of cancer, arteriosclerosis, strokes, cardiac infarction, enlarged prostate, arthritis and even immune deficiencies. Testimonials can be found for almost every type of cancer and tumors, even late stage. Dr. Budwig has been nominated for a Nobel Prize 7 times, but but was not given because of her refusal to use radiation or chemotherapy.
10- The essential fatty acids in flaxseed are largely responsible for its skin-healing powers. Dry skin, acne, rosacea, eczema and psoriasis often respond to the Flaxseed’s anti-inflammatory actions and overall skin-soothing properties. Flaxseed has been shown to contribute to strengthen and fortify hair and work to nourish dry or brittle nails, stopping them from cracking or splitting. Flaxseed oil makes skin very soft. Local Flaxseed oil massage is best anti-wrinkle therapy. Flaxseed is edible cosmetic. It is your natural beautician.
11- The discovery of flaxseed as a lignan storehouse came by just a chance says Kenneth Setchell, PhD, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati. In a study in 1978, he and his colleagues unexpectedly found lignan levels in one patient several hundred times higher than had ever been seen before. The patient, it turned out, baked his own bread and always added flaxseed. Because the hormone-balancing lignans and plant estrogens (phytoestrogens) in flaxseed helps stabilize a woman’s estrogen-progesterone ratio, they can have beneficial effects on the menstrual cycle, and relieve the hot flashes of menopause. Flax seed is known to reduce symptoms of PMS and osteoporosis. Essential fatty acids in flax seed have been shown to block production of prostaglandins that cause heavy bleeding. These lignans promote normal ovulation and promote consistent ovulation. Flax seed has been found to substantially increase milk production in women who are not producing enough milk to nurse their infants. It also often clears up breast engorgement. The EFAs also play a role in keeping sperm healthy, which may be of value in treating male infertility, and they can improve erectile dysfunction. Many patients reported that it delayed their ejaculation times.
13- Flaxseed help fight obesity. Adding flaxseed to foods, creates a feeling of satiation (feeling of fullness and satisfaction following a meal). The essential fats in flaxseed cause the stomach to retain food for a longer period of time as compared to no-fat or low-fat foods. Furthermore, flaxseed stokes the metabolic processes in our cells.
14- The Flaxseed keeps your mind cool and you stay cheerful. Negative thoughts stay far away from you. Your mood is always elated and positive. This is super anti depressant. Flaxseeds are essential for the function and structure of the brain and improve cognition, memory and concentration. You don’t become angry. Flaxseeds help in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Flaxseed can improve eyesight and perception of colors. Colors look bolder and vivid. Life becomes simply more colorful.
14- Flaxseed regulates your body temperature. Your mind and body feel comfortable and cool even in hot weather. That means it is edible natural air-conditioner.
15- The essential nutrients in flaxseed also increase oxygen consumption at the cellular level resulting in increased energy and stamina, and feeling of well-being.
16- Germany consumes 60,000 tons of Flaxseeds in breads and cereals annually.
17- The World Health Organization and the National Cancer Institute recognize flaxseed as a "super food. "
18- In the 8th century, the French king Charle magne even passed a law requiring his people to use flax seed so that they would be healthier.
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